VII International Conference "Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers"

September 12-16, 2005, Tomsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Иванов И.В. (Омский государственный технический университет, Омск, Россия)

List of reports:

  1. I.V. Ivanov, V.N. Ivanov
    Effect of the Interference of Quantum States on Scattering and Generation of the Cogerent Radiation
  2. I.V. Ivanov, V.N. Ivanov
    About Heat Radiation at Quantum Jumps Between Rotational Level of Molecules Interacting with Each Other
  3. I.V. Ivanov, V.N. Ivanov
    Heat Radiation of the System of the Loosely Coupled Oscillators Exposed to Permanent Stohastic Perturbation
